Be nice to people on your way up because you'll need them on your way down. ~W.
:: It's all right letting yourself go as long as you can let yourself back. ~Mick
u got it?
this is it
You have a diet dilemma still unresolved? 100 Follow the tips below:
What to do if I can get a change in diet alone?
1. Add just one fruit or vegetable servings a day. Adjust your body before acceptance, then increased up to 8 to 10 servings a day.
2. Take at least two servings of fruit or vegetables every meal.
3. Stirred determination. You do not want to 'raise' the size of the food.
4. Make time to eat a healthy body for the purpose.
5. Began to practice a complete breakfast.
6. Make sure your plate filled with a half servings of vegetables and / or fruit every lunchtime and evening.
Is there any simple tips to reduce calories?
7. When eating out, eat only half and take half the package back.
8. Just ordered a sweetener for mouth share.
9. Use a salad plate.
10. Place food on a plate. Do not eat straight from the jar.
11. Fill the plate with vegetables first. Then put the meat and rice.
12. If you drink 8 ounces low-fat milk a day, you can decrease the body weight of about 2.5 kg per year.
13. Fruit juices are also high calorie. Limit to eight ounces a day.
14. Get calorie from food not drink.
15. Keep food journal.
16. "Eat when hungry, stop before full"
17. Use mustard sauce than mayonnaise.
18. Increase soup. Clear soup is low in calories.
19. Reduce or avoid direct calorie beverages like soda or sweet tea.
20. Bring your own food supplies.
21. Sit properly while eating.
22. Mix the juice with water.
23. Eat plenty of vegetables during lunch.
24. Eat food at home.
25. Limit alcohol intake. (not necessary for us as Muslim)
How to enjoy vegetables?
26. Take the tomato juice drink in the evening.
27. Make meals more interesting and tasty vegetables.
28. Mix the three types of beans in the salad.
29. You have to remember that vegetable soup is actually a vegetable.
30. Sweet potatoes are also vegetables.
31. Combine spinach to sandwiches, soups, pasta and salad.
32. Do not stingy to buy vegetables that were ready to eat.
33. Do you really hate vegetables? Increase fruit.
34. Save to seven types of vegetables you love the most. Plus, warm and add your favorite sauce. Easy right!
What is the spell to stay with the diet I adopted?
35. "The best meals of high calorie foods that number slightly. Servings of vegetables are the best polynomial.
36. "My last meals only when the frontier while at the other things."
37. "I want to enjoy a longer life."
38. "I'm working hard now."
39. "It is painful to be obese than to stop eating now."
I take nutritious food, but still fat. What do I wrong?
40. Avoid meals. (Do not avoid eating time)
41. Do not consider themselves overweight.
42. Eating too much. It is not what you eat but how much you eat your self. (If you eat healthy but how much u want to lean)
43. Eating too many biscuits as a snack.
44. Do not worry 'serving size' in the nutrition facts panel.
45. Chewing on a bowl full of beans as a snack.
46. Consider 'energy bar' and 'fruit smoothie' low calorie. (High in calories when they eat much)
What can I eat if I'm lazy to cook!
47. "Smoothie" made with low fat milk, frozen fruit and wheat germ.
48. Burger immediately smallest (with mustard sauce and tomato sauce instead of mayonnaise) and no-calorie drinks.
49. Peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread with a glass of low fat milk and apple.
50. Pieces of chicken and frozen broccoli (warm in microwave) with Parmesan cheese.
51. Chicken salad with a glass of low fat milk.
52. Broken eggs (cooked in the pan does not stick)
53. Heat frozen vegetables in the microwave, add Parmesan cheese and 2 tablespoons of chopped nuts.
54. Tuna salad, cherry tomatoes, cheese slices, low fat and low-calorie Italian dressing.
55. Wholewheat bread with slices of salami, cheese, low fat, tomato, mustard sauce with carrots and white.
56. Heat a can of soup.
57. Cereals, fruit and milk without the fat.
58. Vegetable sandwich.
59. Sliced fruit with low fat yogurt.
What is the best advice for avoid weight gain during the holidays?
60. Avoid the words "I'm on holiday"
61. Eat a little before the feast begins.
62. In restaurants, do not sit near the food.
63. Enjoy high-calorie food at last.
64. During the holidays, wear a very tight space to avoid the enlargement of the body.
65. Do not pity the food.
66. A walk around the shopping center before you start buying.
67. Make exercise a priority I can not be compromised.
68. Dance. This is the activity of fat burner that easiest done.
I love sweet food, how to prevent it?
69. Once in a while, take an empty salad for lunch and dinner to enjoy a full mouth sweetness.
70. Set the heart (it is difficult but worth it)
71. Choose low-fat ice cream with fruit.
72. Avoid sweeteners mouth for two weeks.
73. Eat more fruits (sweet right)
74. Enjoy mouth sweetener but limit intake to 150 calories a day.
75. Cuba's sugar is less sweet mouth. Hot cocoa without sugar, frozen grapes, chewing gum without sugar and low fat ice cream.
How to avoid chewing in the middle of the night?
76. Take breakfast, lunch and dinner.
77. Eat at the table eating with the order.
78. Enjoy the cool raspberry flavored tea without sugar.
79. Complete the evening meal with other useful activities.
80. If you eat for emotional night, stay away from the food jar.
81. Put this sign in the kitchen or the refrigerator "Close after dinner"
82. Brush your teeth after eating.
83. Do not eat while reading or watching tv.
84. Dinner will not cause weight gain, but how many calories are in on time.
What other benefits are available from diet?
85. Fat-free is not always the best but it's to help reduce the calories taken.
86. Avoiding breakfast can make you crave other foods. So do not leave the breakfast.
87. If you feel hungry in the evening, enjoy a handful of nuts.
88. Not yet satisfied? Enjoy a cup of low fat yogurt. Hungry stomach cause decreased glucose. Take a little nutritious food to stimulate your brain and body.
89. Making small changes in eating habits and foods can lose weight more quickly.
90. Vegetables and frozen fruit is better because it is usually frozen immediately after harvest, they retain all the nutrients the nutrients in it.
91. Concerned about trans fat content in peanut butter? Most of the peanut butter contains less trans fat from 0.5gm.
What exercise tips that can help?
92. Any type of exercise helps to suppress appetite.
93. When you exercise, drink water as often as possible.
94. Put the music while walking or jogging, it will default you so much walking or jogging more.
95. Exercise. It burns between 250-350 calories for one hour.
96. Dehydration slows down the rate of 3% metabolism. However, the key is not how much you drink but how often you drink.
How to handle because of emotional eating?
97. Get expert advice diet or nutrition.
98. Look for friends to chat.
99. Join a support group that can help you lose weight.
100. Internet surfing can also be helpful. Go to the website's offer diet. You can also ask questions to experts or counselors via email.
Good luck u ollz sekalian, may some of the tipz that i get from Carigold forum which i modified a bit can help u ollz
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